Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Night of Norman

I never thought that there would be an older man named Norman that would encapsulate me. I think Norman can seem like a boring name. However, my name discrimination was thrown  out the window when I found out the man of my dreams was named Norman.

My friend and I walked into the bar, and there was a man singing. He was singing Stairway To Heaven. Beautifully. In fact, I thought it was Robert Plant for a minute. However, the black hair on his head made me realize that it wasn't Robert Plant. He obviously was an older version of Jimmy Page.

Despite the fact that Norman is not Robert Plant, I still thought that he should probably tour with Led Zeppelin for any reunion tours. He was that good. Also, he didn't just sing Led Zeppelin. He was totally rocking The Beatles later on, and that was sick.

Norman left the bar at around 1am. I was disappointed. I was hoping to spend time with him, despite the fact that he had a girlfriend (who kind of looked like Robert Plant.) In fact, a friend told me to have his babies. I would probably consider it. He was that impressive.

I hope to meet Norman again. Whether that be at Ronny G's, or in my dreams, I will most likely be satisfied.

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