Wednesday, March 31, 2010

This Is Like When I Got My Barbie Mansion...

THE CLINICS ARE HERE. In fact, I am wearing them as I type. I plan on sleeping in them tonight.

Yeah, I went a little camera happy. Wouldn't you?

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Martinis. Free Drinks. Zebra Print. Popcorn.

Last night, the girls and I decided to have a little fun in Oakville and have a girls night, since Chanel is so obviously afraid of staying in her house alone, while the 'rents are gone. There were some things that I learned last night...and I shall discuss them here. 

1. You can pretend that anything is a martini, even if it's not, as long as it's in a cool martini class.

2. Never pay extra to get into a club for a one song performance by a...what's his name...oh right, Danny Fernandez. Thank GOD for the guest list!

3. Never pay for drinks if you have to. Again, thank GOD that we got free drinks all night...connections DO mean something, people! From now on, I don't suggest you become friends with anyone other than club promoters. Chanel has this down to a science. Maybe she can do a guest post and tell us all how this works.

4. I was once again reminded of why I don't wear heels to clubs, even if everyone is doing is. My feet hate me.

5. Not everyone knows the story behind the song "Layla" by Eric Clapton. Ridiculous. I will obviously be doing a separate blog post on this!

6. Emma is the best, because she literally just shoos the unwanted boys away, hand motion and everything. I wish I could have caught that on tape!

Overall, GOOD NIGHT!

Hair! Flow It, Show It!

Mountain Man, Seth Kinman

When I'm 60, this is exactly what the love of my life will look like. Or, well, I'm crossing my fingers. If it's not the love of my's definitely my dream man when I'm 60. You can count on that! Where can a girl find a mountain man these days?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I Pale In Comparison

So, there's something about being a pastor's kid, and right now, I am feeling completely inadequate to hold this prestigious title. I've been an utter disappointment in terms of my wildness factor. I came to think about this because I came across an article called "Pastor's Kids Gone Wild", by Stuff Christians Like. (You should really read it to gain a little understanding of myself - plus the comments too!)

The article brought up three things that make a PK gone wild. The first is having a controversial new life. I guess if the church people knew what I did after I left the little hole of Blind River, they would think it was quite controversial and would do a little "tsk, tsk"; however, it just doesn't seem wild enough. The second is having a wild love interest. I have seriously failed so miserably in this department it's not even funny. And I don't consider that random stranger on the stage at Embassy to be a love interest, unfortunately. So here I am, looking for my wild love interest. GIVE IT TO ME PEOPLE! The final requirement is "No U-turn Books", which essentially means that you haven't gone back and gotten serious about the faith. I'm usually on a big ol' rollercoaster ride with this one, so I'm not really sure where I fit. As of right now, I think I have at least semi-accomplished this, as I just don't even think about it that much anymore...and definitely haven't been to church since January! I guess we'll have to see where I fall in the future.

So, here is my proposition. Give me wild things to do, and I will try to do them. I'm disappointed with my lack of wildness at this point in my life, and I still need to keep up my rebellious PK status. I seriously need to be on par with at least Katy Perry, but I'd prefer Alice Cooper - who is obviously the most badass PK of all time.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Monday, March 22, 2010

Chat Routlette Is Totally Weird...

...but this is funny as hell! Watch Ben Folds do piano improv with random strangers on Chat Roulette.

Revelation Of The Day

My room looks a whole lot bigger without so much shit on the floor. Wowsers.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


What's with today, today? 

1. Took a bullet and licked public batteries, as I call them. I am always willing to do the nitty gritty for the good of the people (in this case - Beloshesky and I - even though she ultimately figured out the remote control situation with the batteries)

2. Decided that roller skating is something that will be done in the near future. 

3. Bowie Night. It's happening soon. Enough said. 

4. Taught myself how to french braid hair on Friday, and successfully did a little something in my hair today. You know, a little french braid on the top side of my head...and let the rest of the braid flow down. LOVE BRAIDS RIGHT NOW. Plus, Hyland wore her hair in a side braid today. We're obviously kindred spirits. Shoddy pictures:
5. I wore my thrifted old man faux moccasins. They made me feel like I was grounded with my Mother Earth and they lifted my spirit. I knew I was right to buy those mocs.

6. Hung out in the Social Work was a good time.

7. Nana is officially moving out of the house. I can't believe she came to grips with it. She's moving into a condo in Dundas, right across the street from my kick ass Great Aunt Helen (and Nana's sister). This means that I'll be getting my Grandpa's kick ass mid-century modern stereo/credenza type thing. I'm excited. However, I have no idea where I'm going to put it in my tiny ass apartment.

Most amusing thing of the day? Nana thinks that her 2nd bedroom in her new condo will be her "computer room". She's never worked a computer in her life and I doubt she'll start anytime soon. She's totally wild.

Monday, March 15, 2010


When all the trees have been cut down,
when all the animals have been hunted,
when all the waters are polluted,
when all the air is unsafe to breathe,
only then will you discover you cannot eat money.

- Cree prophecy

Friday, March 12, 2010

Perhaps Galactic

We all start somewhere...but we all have galactic-ness inside of us.
Thank you, sir.
Sometimes, I just feel like I need to get the freak out in me. I need to do something very outrageous soon.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

And So They Set Sail To The New World...

I have obviously been distracting myself from the 50pager I have due on Monday. When these distractions include doing some research and finding out interesting facts, I'm totally into it. I'm kind of secretly a really geeky researcher. Because of this, I have just been pre-occupied.

Anyway, months ago, my Grandpa told me that one of our ancestors came over on the Mayflower (the FIRST one - thank you very much). I was kind of interested in this when he initially told me, because, you know, I'm all geeky and shit. But it wasn't until a few days ago that I really remembered this and was going to try and look stuff up. So, you know, I'm just chilling out on (yes - I know, but it's a pretty sweet resource) and I'm going through all these hints and stuff...and as I'm trying to find out a relative's parents, the name William "Mayflower Compact" Brewster comes up. When I see this, I'm kind of excited. Obviously this guy had something to do with the Mayflower. BOOYAH. So I decided that I would Google him. Guess what? He has his own damn websites! And he even has his own Wikipedia page! 

So this William Brewster guy was apparently like, a super important person on the Mayflower and was the "Elder", whatever that means. I won't go into the whole history here, because that's not the point of this post. The point of this post is that William Brewster has many notable descendants, other than me. 

I have found out that I am officially related to the following people (there are more...but the list is so damn long): 

Katharine Hepburn (Um, yeah - classic. Love it!)
Chevy Chase (I feel weird putting his name under Katharine's - who I'm on a first named basis with now, by the way - but I've always felt a strange connection with him) 
Richard Gere ( I know, right?)
The F'ing ROCKEFELLER'S (Need I say more?)
Julia Child (Just thought I'd put her in here, since that whole movie was kind of a big deal)
John Lithgow (I loved him on 3rd Rock from the Sun)
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (famous poet - I feel like this is a good person to be related to)
Seth MacFarlane (I'm personally not impressed with this)
Jordana Brewster (...does anyone remember that Fast and Furious movie thing?)
Zachary Taylor (I mistakenly thought of the Hanson's when I saw this...but he was actually the 12th President of the United States)
Nora Stanton Blatch Barney (KICK ASS SUFFRAGIST and first woman to earn a degree in civil engineering)
Harriot Eaton Stanton Blatch (KICK ASS SUFFRAGIST - daughter of Nora - my life's work makes so much more sense now!)


And although I don't want to admit it, I feel I must address the issue of someone else I'm related to. I'm fairly disheartened and I am making a promise to the world that my relation to this person is never going to make me go rogue. Or Republican. Ever.

 Sarah Palin. I'm almost ashamed.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Almost Famous


Sometime in December, me and my friends went to Motown and got asked if our picture could be taken by some professional photographer. Since then, I've been scouting out for these photos, but no luck! Today, I went on the Club Absinthe Facebook page and looked through the pictures and even went to the photographers site (Montser vs. Me) and looked through all his Motown photos. I came up empty handed. However, on the Facebook page, I came across this picture:

Now, you must be saying, Sheri...that's not you. And you'd be right. I clearly am not the focal point in the picture. But when I saw this picture, I was almost confident that I am in it. Look at the person on the right hand side. Look familiar? I think so! I obvious know my arms, hands and ears any day...and that hair, draped over the face? Yeah, that's generally what happens to me at Motown. I have no idea who is touching my arm...but that's OK. Maybe someone else can do some detective work and figure out who it is!

Anyway, like I said...almost famous.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

A Dream Come True

Tonight, I was a groupie. Finally.

My fabulous girl Christina was in a fashion show tonight and she totally rocked it!
After the show, me and Chanel (an actual person - not bag) wanted to meet up with Christina and tell her how awesome she was. We totally drooled over her.

Then all of a sudden, Chanel and I (admittedly, it was Chanel's idea - I'm obviously a hesitant groupie) went backstage without permission (YEAH!) and looked around for Christina and eventually met up with her. It was the most amazing thing ever to feel like a real groupie! Anxiously waiting backstage for the rock star. Being int he midst of "cool backstage stuff" going on. It was sweet. 

I'm thinking about becoming a professional groupie.

P.S. I was going to take some rockin' pictures, but NO, my battery died right when the show started. FML.

The New Black

Mounties are so hot right now. I have personally always had quite an affinity for mounties, but damn, they are just on fire right now! Obviously a little bit of this might have to do with the Olympics, but honestly, I just decided that they were hot right now. I don't need any rhyme or reason for believing this. It simply is a fact. They wear bright red uniforms, have weirdly shaped pants, and have freaking amazing hats. Where do I get one of those anyway?

Friday, March 5, 2010

Text Of The Day

"Just saw a store called COINS STAMPS GUNS"

Thanks, Jess!

I Know You're In Like-Like With Each Other, But...

Is there truly any appeal for a boyfriend to grab a girlfriend's ass and kind of...jiggle it around a bit? For all of the public to see? And then, you know, keep on grabbing it a little more? I know people might not realize what they're doing, but they are NOT ALONE outside. 

I don't even think I'd let a boyfriend touch my ass in public. I barely let my ex-boyfriend hold my hand in public in high school...uh, like, in the school. But...some of us know other things we did in public (but really only with good friends around...), so should I really be talking? 

Man, that whole point about the ass grabbing didn't work out, did it? I'm a hypocrite!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I just bought these (Jeffrey Campbell 'Clinic' wedges). Impulsive? Yes. Too good to not buy? Yes. 
When I saw them, I fell in love and knew that I needed them.
I love you, Jeffrey Campbell.

I feel categorically embarrassed when "Jizz In My Pants" comes on my iPod and I'm on the bus. And I listen to the whole thing. I'm always paranoid that people will be able to hear it.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Late Night Snack

The only time I have the urge to bake my famous vegan chocolate chip cookies is after 10pm. I don't know why I don't get such urges at normal times, so that I could bake like other normal people. Nooo. I have to go against the grain of domesticity, and bake cookies late at night - no apron needed. 

This is my picture story of Saturday night, just to make you all jealous of my cookies.

Yes people, it IS possible for you to make these for yourselves. Follow the recipe in the first picture, and put them in at 350 for 10 minutes! Viola!

Giver, Giver, Go Blind River!

I must say, I am rarely kind to one of my hometowns, Blind River, Ontario. It's a small town in the middle of nowhere (and I had moved there from the much larger city of Hamilton, Ontario), and well, there isn't much to do. Lots of driving around was done and a lot of Tim Horton's was had. I won't even go into the average amount of babies that are made each year.

However, I still do have a little soft spot for this town and Northern Ontario in general. And if there's something to be excited about for Blind River, I'm generally excited. I remember when Peter (a.k.a. Mr. Evans, our high school music teacher) told our class that Neil Young had a song that Blind River was mentioned in. I thought it was the sweetest thing ever. But you know what's even sweeter? Neil Young singing "Long May You Run" at the Closing Ceremonies for the 2010 Winter Olympics and TOTALLY GIVING BLIND RIVER A SHOUT OUT.

Um, not going to lie. That was the MOST EPIC THING EVER. OK, maybe not the MOST EPIC, but it was definitely EPIC and very exciting. This is my loser-ish Blind River pride that comes out every once in awhile. And I'm sure that all of Blind River was having a party when they realized their town was mentioned in the Ceremonies. This EPIC event may even pop up on the horrible, crazy, digitized, flashy sign that Blind River has along the highway. I wouldn't blame the town for doing that. I think Blind River deserves to have something to hold on to. Maybe Blind River should make a local holiday out of it! Anyway...

Truly, madly, and deeply EPIC. Surely something that Blind River will never forget.

P.S. Just to prove that this is not made up...

Well, it was back in Blind River in 1962
When I last saw you alive
But we missed that shift on the long decline
Long may you run.