Saturday, March 6, 2010

A Dream Come True

Tonight, I was a groupie. Finally.

My fabulous girl Christina was in a fashion show tonight and she totally rocked it!
After the show, me and Chanel (an actual person - not bag) wanted to meet up with Christina and tell her how awesome she was. We totally drooled over her.

Then all of a sudden, Chanel and I (admittedly, it was Chanel's idea - I'm obviously a hesitant groupie) went backstage without permission (YEAH!) and looked around for Christina and eventually met up with her. It was the most amazing thing ever to feel like a real groupie! Anxiously waiting backstage for the rock star. Being int he midst of "cool backstage stuff" going on. It was sweet. 

I'm thinking about becoming a professional groupie.

P.S. I was going to take some rockin' pictures, but NO, my battery died right when the show started. FML.

1 comment:

  1. I love how you explain Chanel isn't a designer are amazing lol
