Saturday, March 27, 2010

Martinis. Free Drinks. Zebra Print. Popcorn.

Last night, the girls and I decided to have a little fun in Oakville and have a girls night, since Chanel is so obviously afraid of staying in her house alone, while the 'rents are gone. There were some things that I learned last night...and I shall discuss them here. 

1. You can pretend that anything is a martini, even if it's not, as long as it's in a cool martini class.

2. Never pay extra to get into a club for a one song performance by a...what's his name...oh right, Danny Fernandez. Thank GOD for the guest list!

3. Never pay for drinks if you have to. Again, thank GOD that we got free drinks all night...connections DO mean something, people! From now on, I don't suggest you become friends with anyone other than club promoters. Chanel has this down to a science. Maybe she can do a guest post and tell us all how this works.

4. I was once again reminded of why I don't wear heels to clubs, even if everyone is doing is. My feet hate me.

5. Not everyone knows the story behind the song "Layla" by Eric Clapton. Ridiculous. I will obviously be doing a separate blog post on this!

6. Emma is the best, because she literally just shoos the unwanted boys away, hand motion and everything. I wish I could have caught that on tape!

Overall, GOOD NIGHT!

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