Thursday, March 11, 2010

And So They Set Sail To The New World...

I have obviously been distracting myself from the 50pager I have due on Monday. When these distractions include doing some research and finding out interesting facts, I'm totally into it. I'm kind of secretly a really geeky researcher. Because of this, I have just been pre-occupied.

Anyway, months ago, my Grandpa told me that one of our ancestors came over on the Mayflower (the FIRST one - thank you very much). I was kind of interested in this when he initially told me, because, you know, I'm all geeky and shit. But it wasn't until a few days ago that I really remembered this and was going to try and look stuff up. So, you know, I'm just chilling out on (yes - I know, but it's a pretty sweet resource) and I'm going through all these hints and stuff...and as I'm trying to find out a relative's parents, the name William "Mayflower Compact" Brewster comes up. When I see this, I'm kind of excited. Obviously this guy had something to do with the Mayflower. BOOYAH. So I decided that I would Google him. Guess what? He has his own damn websites! And he even has his own Wikipedia page! 

So this William Brewster guy was apparently like, a super important person on the Mayflower and was the "Elder", whatever that means. I won't go into the whole history here, because that's not the point of this post. The point of this post is that William Brewster has many notable descendants, other than me. 

I have found out that I am officially related to the following people (there are more...but the list is so damn long): 

Katharine Hepburn (Um, yeah - classic. Love it!)
Chevy Chase (I feel weird putting his name under Katharine's - who I'm on a first named basis with now, by the way - but I've always felt a strange connection with him) 
Richard Gere ( I know, right?)
The F'ing ROCKEFELLER'S (Need I say more?)
Julia Child (Just thought I'd put her in here, since that whole movie was kind of a big deal)
John Lithgow (I loved him on 3rd Rock from the Sun)
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (famous poet - I feel like this is a good person to be related to)
Seth MacFarlane (I'm personally not impressed with this)
Jordana Brewster (...does anyone remember that Fast and Furious movie thing?)
Zachary Taylor (I mistakenly thought of the Hanson's when I saw this...but he was actually the 12th President of the United States)
Nora Stanton Blatch Barney (KICK ASS SUFFRAGIST and first woman to earn a degree in civil engineering)
Harriot Eaton Stanton Blatch (KICK ASS SUFFRAGIST - daughter of Nora - my life's work makes so much more sense now!)


And although I don't want to admit it, I feel I must address the issue of someone else I'm related to. I'm fairly disheartened and I am making a promise to the world that my relation to this person is never going to make me go rogue. Or Republican. Ever.

 Sarah Palin. I'm almost ashamed.

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