Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Two Important Life Lessons

I would now like to share some wisdom that I've learned today. Let's call this, "Wise Time with Sheri"

1. The best time to buy alcohol without getting ID'd is at noon. What kind of 16 year old would be buying alcohol at noon?

2. The best time to shop at IKEA to avoid crazy, uncontrollable crowds is 5pm. People are just leaving work and wanting to go home to a lovely dinner, with or without a lovely family. People just aren't concerned about furniture at 5pm.

That's all for now. Stay tuned for more "Wise Time with Sheri".


  1. That's true about the lcbo, lol
    and instead of being at ikea at all of those cray crowds are at the bank making me suffer

  2. LOL...you need to quit the bank. Seriously!
